Quickly Tag & Bookmark Sites in Firefox 3
Want to make tagging your bookmarks as easy as clicking an icon? Tagmarks, the add-on for Firefox, hopes to do just that. The idea here is to bring one-click bookmarking in Firefox together with the tagging power of the browser. With Tagmarks, you have a lot of different icons that popup whenever you hover over the traditional bookmarking star you see in the Firefox 3 address bar. When you click in each icon, it will add the page to the bookmarks and associate that icon with that page, through the use of tags.
Selecting one icon has the same effect as clicking on the bookmarking star. It will add the page to the bookmark. The perk here is that it will also apply a tag to the page and always remember and show that icon when you are at that page. Think of it as a visual tool for you too, to say for example, “oh that is a search magnifying glass, this must be a search site”.